国家天元数学中部中心Colloquium报告 | 胡建勋 教授(中山大学)

发布时间: 2024-10-01 09:02

报告题目:Introduction to Gamma conjectures

报告时间:2024-10-14   14:30-15:30

报  告 人 :胡建勋  教授(中山大学)


Abstract:The Gamma conjectures was proposed by S. Galkin, V. Golyshev and H. Iritani, and relate the quantum cohomology of a Fano manifold and the Gamma class in terms of differential equations. Gamma conjectures consist of conjecture O, Gamma conjecture I and Gamma conjecture II. In this talk, we will introduce some basics about Gamma conjectures including Dubrovin conjecture, Gamma-integral structure and statement of Gamma conjectures. Finally, I also want to introduce the recent progress on these conjectures.