国家天元数学中部中心学术报告 | 彭柳华 副教授(墨尔本大学)

发布时间: 2023-09-13 09:00

报告题目:Kernel Variable Importance Measure and Its Application

报告时间:2023-09-21   14:00-16:00

报告人:彭柳华  副教授  墨尔本大学



Abstract: This project proposes kernel variable importance measure (KIM) based on the well-known maximum mean discrepancy (MMD). The KIM can effectively measure the importance of an individual dimension by quantifying its influence on the power of the MMD test. The KIM-based variable selection methods are model-free, work for high-dimensional data, and can capture important variables under different models. Theoretical properties of the KIM are provided and supported by simulation results.