报告题目:On a Family of Linear Functional Differential Equations
报告时间:2023-05-09 16:00-17:00
报告人:Prof.ZHANG Changgui, Dep.of Math, University of Lille
Abstract: Given 0<q<1, consider the functional differential equation y’(x) = a y(qx)+ b y(x) + f (x), where a and b are two complex numbers and f is a rational function. The following problems will be involved:
(1) The pantograph equations following Kato and McLeod;
(2) The indexes of the associated operator d/dx − aσ q − b;
(3) The connection formulas between zero and infinity;
(4) The asymptotic behavior of the solutions at infinity.
This talk is partially based on a joint work with H. Dai and G. Chen (HITSZ).