国家天元数学中部中心高性能计算系列报告 | 郭震林 副研究员 (北京计算科学研究中心)

发布时间: 2021-12-01 17:14

报告题目Diffuse Domain Method and its Applications

报告时间:2021-12-08  15:00-16:00

报告人:郭震林 副研究员 北京计算科学研究中心

腾讯会议ID:345 773 4983 会议密码:174675

Abstract:We propose a diffuse domain method (DDM) for solving PDEs in complex geometries. In particular, the original complex domain is extended to a larger but regular domain by introducing a phase varible where the domain boundary is extended into an interfacial region with finite thickness. The original PDEs is then coupled with the phase variable, where the boundary condition is absorbed into the source term as an approximation. As the interfacial thickness shrinks to zero, the numerical solution of DDM converges to the original solution asymptotically, and the second order accuracy can be achieved. We finally show several applications of DDM, including the two-phase flows in complex geometries, 2D material epitaxial growth and tumor angiogenesis.