国家天元数学中部中心几何分析与复分析系列报告 | 李起峰 高级研究员 韩国基础科学研究院 (IBS)

发布时间: 2021-11-24 09:25

告题目:The VMRT Structure and its Applications

报告时间:2021-11-29  19:00-21:00

报告人:李起峰 高级研究员 韩国基础科学研究院 (IBS)

腾讯会议ID:232 920 517


Abstract:By the VMRT, we mean the varieties of minimal rational tangents on a uniruled projective manifold. It is an invariant of a uniruled projective manifold. Conversely, the VMRT structure contains rich information of the geometry of the manifold. In this talk, I will discuss on the VMRT structure and the application to the geometric problem, such as the deformation rigidity, of some concrete Fano manifolds.