报告题目:On the Well-posedness of Tracking Dirichlet Data for Bernoulli Free Boundary Problems
报告时间:2023-11-06 10:00-11:00
报 告 人 :龚伟 副研究员 中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院
Abstract:The aim of this talk is to study
the shape optimization method for solving the Bernoulli free boundary problem,
a well-known ill-posed problem that seeks the unknown free boundary through
Cauchy data. Different formulations have been proposed in the literature that
differ in the choice of the objective functional. Specifically, it was shown in
previous work that tracking Neumann data is well-posed but tracking Dirichlet
data is not. In this talk we propose a new well-posed objective functional that
tracks Dirichlet data at the free boundary. By calculating the Euler derivative
and the shape Hessian of the objective functional we show that the new
formulation is well-posed, i.e., the shape Hessian is coercive at the
minimizers. The coercivity of the shape Hessian may ensure the existence of
optimal solutions for the nonlinear Ritz-Galerkinapproximation method and its convergence, thus is crucial for the formulation.
As a summary, we conclude that tracking Dirichlet or Neumann data in its energy
norm is not sufficient, but tracking it in a half an order higher norm will be
well-posed. To support our theoretical results we carry out extensive numerical