Announcement | Introduction to Abelian Varieties: Analytic Theory

发布时间: 2021-04-20 17:11


举办日期:2021年04月27/29日  2021年05月04/06日 15:30 - 17:00;05月11/13/18/20/25/27日 15:30 - 17:30

举办地点:线上课程(Zoom Meeting)

会议ID:   666 0281 9455   密码:20210405   点击此处进入会议

授课导师:余家富 教授 中研院数学所


课时数:23 课时


    Algebraic curves and abelian varieties are fundamental objects in arithmetic geometry. The purpose of this short course is to provide basics of abelian varieties for graduate students who plan to study further topics. As the first step, our goal is to cover the analytic theory, about the contents of Mumford’s book [1] Chapter I. We will follow both [1] and [2]. Topics include: complex tori, line bundles, classification of line bundles on complex tori, cohomological groups of complex tori and abelian varieties, ample and very ample line bundles and projective morphisms, the Riemann-Lefschetz theorem, GAGA principle and Chow’s lemma, polarizations and dual abelian varieties, construction of abelian varieties: moduli and CM abelian varieties. If times permits, we may discuss algebraic curves and Jacobians [3].

    Prerequisites: complex analysis, graduate algebra, and notions of algebraic varieties, complex manifolds and sheaf cohomology would be helpful.


    [1] David Mumford, Abelian varieties.

    [2] Olivier Debarre, Complex tori and abelian varieties.

[3] Ching-Li Chai, The period matrices and theta functions of Riemann. Available in his homepage.




联系人:杨老师    电话:027-87778085 / 16602740903    Email: